Building Pathways From Local To Global Prosperity.

Welcome To The Chamber

Dear Business Owners and Entrepreneurs,

We are delighted to offer you the membership of the Greater New York Nepali Chamber of Commerce. As an organization committed to fostering growth, collaboration, and success, we invite you to be a part of our vibrant business community.

How to Plan, Execute, and Measure Success

Programs and Events

Gatherings for entertainment, education, networking, celebration, and community building.
You can join Us

Why Greater New York Nepali Chamber of Commerce?

The Greater New York Nepali Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic platform that serves as a bridge between Nepali businesses and the thriving business landscape in the Greater New York area. Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and professionals through networking opportunities, advocacy, and knowledge-sharing, creating a robust ecosystem for growth and innovation.

  • Promoting and facilitating trade and commerce between Nepal and the United States.
  •  Offering a platform for Nepali entrepreneurs, professionals, and businesses to connect and collaborate.
  • Advocating for the interests and needs of the Nepali business community.
  • Providing resources, information, and support to enhance business growth and success.
  • Organizing networking events, seminars, and workshops to foster knowledge sharing and skill development

Corporate Members